Jacob's Roofing - Roofer
Licensing: Unknown please verify with vendor

Licensing: Unknown please verify with vendor

Nieporte Roofing - Roofer
Licensing: Unknown please verify with vendor

Page Roofing - Roofer
Licensing: Unknown please verify with vendor

Vendors are not listed in any particular order. Any vendors we provide you need to independently and thoroughly research and investigate. It is your responsibility to carefully verify and select potential vendors to determine if they meet your personal needs. We provide vendors as a convenience and their inclusion here is not an endorsement! We do not guarantee the quality of vendor products or their services. In no event shall Merrill & Associates Real Estate, it’s staff, agents and or brokers be responsible for damages, of any nature, resulting from the use of or reliance upon our vendor recommendation(s). Merrill & Associates Real Estate, it’s staff, agents and or brokers do not assume any liability arising out of the use of any vendor recommendation(s). We are not responsible for any errors or omissions, and accept no liability for incidental or consequential damages arising from using any vendor recommendation(s). All information regarding vendors is provided on an “as is” basis and is subject to change. You the user is SOLELY responsible for verifying the contact information, licensing status information, business status, experience and competency of each vendor. Vendors may be out of business, Inactive and or not have the adequate licensing. Any licensing information we provide may not be correct or outdated. Please DO NOT rely on our information for license status. PLEASE VERIFY ALL LICENSING prior to hiring any vendor. We recommend you DO NOT rely on our recommendations. In order to satisfy yourself of which vendor meets your needs the best, we highly recommend you research multiple vendors from our recommendation lists AND from other sources BEFORE making a final decision to enlist vendor services. Any passwords given to access any information are for your own personal use. Please keep all page passwords confidential and do not give passwords or page information to anyone.